Technology has progressed significantly since the first Apple iPhone was released in 2007.  When technology progresses, society does too.  However, one thing that is often overlooked is the end-of-life cycle of obsolete technology.  What happens to a firm when all of its hardware and software become obsolete?  How costly is it to replace all of […]



The initial pain point for the client was that a line would go down, but nobody would know about it for 30-60 minutes. A line going down meant the machines all appeared to operate as expected, but no product was being produced. While someone on the floor would eventually notice and take action, the client […]



At Simtelligent, one of our core philosophies is to add massive value for our customers through innovation.  What does this mean?  It can mean many things; such as solving a problem, recommending solutions, or even improving a pre-existing process. For our client, V-Sense Medical, we were able to recommend a solution to a problem that […]



Monday morning.  You walk into the office, sit down, and log into your email.  89 unread messages.  As you scroll through your inbox, you come across an interesting email from your vendor: “Late notice- bill three months overdue.  Late fees accrued.”  A rather strange message, as you thought that the bill had already been paid.  […]
